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Impeccable Leadership is a method developed for leaders, for those seeking ways to enhance collaboration within a team or organization. It teaches you to navigate the social complexities inherent in working together within an organized structure.

For Leaders and Professionals

Impeccable Leadership can be utilized by both the leader and the professional seeking to delve into implementing this method. Choose your focus below:

ILS in practice
To experience ILS yourself, there's a spectrum of services and products available to aid in your development. Take a look at the offerings here.
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Do you want to dive deeper into ILS? Interested in becoming part of the ILS Institute? Here's an overview of possible memberships and their benefits.
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What does it offer me?

Impeccable Leadership provides the capability within a social context to shape its future innovatively, successfully, and healthily. Three fundamental starting points set the course for a journey in which a social entity evolves from a dominance hierarchy to a community of excellence.

Goal Achievement

"Leadership is a phenomenon, not easily captured in words. That's why Impeccable Leadership is designed as an exploration. This journey gains meaning through personal experience — direct and concrete. It's only when we feel the power of leadership that we can make it our own. Only by truly understanding something can we play with it. Only by delving into leadership through our own experience are we able to harness its potential."

Frits Wilmsen

Let ILS enrich you

To experience ILS for yourself, there's a spectrum of services and products available to help you develop. Take a look at the offerings here:

ILS Scan

How do you gain insight into the way you lead? How do you discover the effects of your leadership on team performance and development? The ILS scan focuses on the six leadership roles of the Impeccable Leadership model. The scan result provides information about your preferred attitude and focus within a specific context. Additionally, your insights also contribute to taking personal responsibility to influence performance. Click to find out which professional can help you.

Our Book

The book 'Impeccable Leadership': With this practical method, as a leader, you'll receive concrete tools that provide insight into what you need to further develop and enhance your team's performance. The value of Impeccable Leadership lies in being able to set up a step-by-step process to realize ambitions. Click here to go to the webpage where you can acquire your book.

Personal Coaching

Coaching is an interactive method involving discussions and exercises aimed at fostering sustainable changes. It can work on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, depending on the needs and agreements between the coachee and the coach. Click here to find your ILS coach!

Practitioner Course

The Impeccable Leadership (ILS) Practitioner Course is a leadership development program where we train you to work independently as a consultant, facilitator, or coach using the ILS ideology. Over approximately 9 months, you'll learn how to effectively support organizations, teams, and individuals in developmental processes, enhancing workplace happiness and improving results. Want to find out more? Click here.

Sustainable Organizational Development

Organizational development is a continuous process in which you learn from the future as it unfolds. A direction emerges when you translate a dream into a vision and interventions. Within this guiding process, you need to focus to achieve aspiration. Subsequently, you should determine the contours of the route you wish to follow to realize your aspirations. To help you to navigate through this journey we’ve developed a ‘map of the area’. It helps you to determine your position and stay on track, but it also assists in reflecting and increasing your traveling capacity along the way.

Want to find out more?